Artificial intelligence

Germany and Namibia, co-facilitators of the Summit of the Future, publish zero draft of the Pact for the Future

By |2024-01-26T08:34:35+00:00January35 26, 2024|

The zero draft of the Pact for the Future – to be adopted by UN member states during the September 2024 Summit of the Future – was published by the co-facilitators. The draft includes several provisions on science, technology and innovation, as well as new technologies and peace and security.

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UN First Committee adopts draft resolution on lethal autonomous weapons

By |2023-11-02T09:55:54+00:00November54 2, 2023|

The UN First Committee has passed a draft resolution regarding lethal autonomous weapons systems, expressing concerns about their impact on global security and stability. The resolution calls for the Secretary-General to gather input from Member States, observer States, international organizations, and civil society, emphasizing humanitarian, legal, security, technological, and ethical perspectives. Despite some member states raising issues about definitions and frameworks, the resolution aims to address challenges while acknowledging the ongoing work of the Group of Governmental Experts. The resolution was adopted by a large majority with a few opposing and abstaining votes, advocating for a balanced and inclusive approach to discussions on lethal autonomous weapons.

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Digital technologies in UN Secretary-General’s Policy Brief on a New Agenda for Peace

By |2023-07-21T14:20:41+00:00July41 21, 2023|

UN Secretary-General calls for the development of governance frameworks, multilateral accountability mechanisms, and regulations to address the risks and challenges posed by AI and other digital technologies in the context of peace and security.

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