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Date: 31 October 2024

Time: 9–11 am ET | 3–5 pm CET | 6:30–8:30 pm IST

The Global Digital Compact (GDC), adopted during the Summit of the Future, includes a commitment to strengthen and leverage multistakeholder cooperation to achieve the objectives set out in the GDC. Next to new mechanisms, existing multistakeholder such as the Internet Governance Forum and WSIS Forum have been identified as critical for implementing the GDC.

The online roundtable, organised by the Civil Society Alliances for Digital Empowerment (CADE) in partnership with the Association for Progressive Communications (APC)  and the Internet Governance Forum Secretariat, aims to explore what effective multistakeholder cooperation should look like in practice when implementing and reviewing the GDC. Through two dynamic panel discussions, we will unpack mechanisms for engagement introduced by the GDC, clarify how the GDC could leverage the role of existing multistakeholder processes, such as WSIS or the IGF, and map out key entry points for civil society to contribute to the implementation and follow-up processes.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Kelly Anderson, Director for International Cyber, Digital and Emerging Technology Policy, Global Affairs Canada
  • Samara Castro, Director, Promotion of Freedom of Expression, Digital Policies Section – Secretariat of Social Communication, Presidency of Brazil
  • Chengetai Masango, Head of Office, UN IGF Secretariat
  • Grace Githaiga, CEO, KICTANet
  • Anita Gurumurthy, Executive Director, IT for Change
  • Li Zhou, Human Rights Officer, Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Sorina Teleanu, Director of Knowledge, Diplo
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