CADE official launch at WSIS+20 Forum

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The Civil Society Alliances for Digital Empowerment (CADE) project will officially launch at the WSIS+20 Forum in Geneva and online.

The launch will be held via two consecutive events.

  • CADE Public Announcement
    09:00–09:40 CEST (07:00–07:40 UTC) – ITU Montbrillant Building, Room K2
    This session will serve as the public announcement of CADE’s launch.
    – Ambassador Lotte Knudsen, Permanent Representative of the EU to the UN in Geneva
    – Prof. Jovan Kurbalija, DiploFoundation Director, and Head of the Geneva Internet Platform
    – Dr Stephanie Borg Psaila, CADE lead
  • Enhancing CSO participation in global digital policy processes: Roles, structures, and accountability
    10:00–10:45 CEST (08:00–08:45 UTC) – ITU Montbrillant Building, Room H1
    This session will introduce the work of the CADE project in enhancing the participation of civil society organisations (CSOs) in global policy processes, including standard-setting processes. By focusing on the evolving roles of CSOs, structural changes to processes, accountability mechanisms, joint Global South-Global North advocacy, and other measures, CADE will develop concrete strategies that ensure more inclusive and effective contributions from CSOs. Emphasis will be placed on addressing the diverse needs of stakeholders from the Global South.

    • Jovan Kurbalija, Executive Director, DiploFoundation
    • Radka Sibille, Digital Affairs Advisor, EU Delegation to the UN in Geneva
    • Sadhvi Saran, Strategy and Policy Advisor, ITU
    • Adam Peake, Civil Society Engagement Sr. Manager, ICANN
    • Karolina Iwańska, Digital Civic Space Advisor, ECNL
    • Abed Kataya, Digital Expert, SMEX


      • Stephanie Borg Psaila, Director Digital Policy, DiploFoundation (CADE project lead)

To learn more and join this session, visit the official event page.

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