Pacific Internet Governance Forum 2024

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Date: 2–3 September 2024
Organiser: Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society (PICISOC)

Under the theme ‘Strengthening Digital Governance and Resilience in the Pacific Islands’, the 6th Pacific Internet Governance Forum will be held in Wellington, New Zealand, on 2–3 September 2024, alongside APNIC 58.

Visit the Pacific Internet Governance Forum website to learn more.

About CADE’s role at the Pacific IGF 2024: The CADE consortium works to strengthen Civil Society Organisations (CSO) contributions to multistakeholder discussions and the trustworthiness and relevance of the national and regional IGFs and other IG-related forums in their regions, in this case, through PICISOC, CADE consortium member and Pacific IGF 2024 organiser.

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