Civil society and journalists associations call for protection against spyware and surveillance in the EMFA
Concerns have been made by civil society and journalist groups regarding the proposed Regulation on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA).
Concerns have been made by civil society and journalist groups regarding the proposed Regulation on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA).
The Institute predicts economic and social returns in the areas of education, health, immigration and welfare.
The forum will analyze specific technological developments, their societal and economic impacts, and potential policy implications.
The EU has set a deadline for companies to report on their safeguards measures by July and warned Twitter, which left the EU Code, to prepare for increased regulatory scrutiny.
A proposed resolution for the United Church of Christ's (UCC) General Synod has stressed that the pandemic has called attention to disparities in digital access, as well as the widening of educational, economic and opportunity gaps. The group of 13 delegates who put forward the resolution are calling on the synod to recognise and respond to this issue of social justice and inclusion.
The ERRC released a volunteer survey to combat digital anti-Roma speech by observing, recording, and reporting hate speech in four countries.
According to the plan, all Congolese students will possess advanced student ID cards with biometrically verifiable credentials.
The Metaverse, could become a massive economic force in the next decade according to a study commissioned by Meta
Six civil society organisations, including the Committee to Protect Journalists and Amnesty International, released a statement on May 3, World Press Freedom Day, urging the Bangladesh government to stop harassing journalists and online critics and safeguard media freedom in advance of the country's scheduled 2024 elections.
Civil society organisations have called on the Indian government to revoke new amendments to the Information Technology Rules, as they may threaten the freedom of the press and threaten free expression.