EU Commissioner confirms DSA prohibits arbitrary blocking of online platforms
Commissioner emphasised that any suspension of services will be a last resort measure and will adhere to international human rights and due process safeguards.
Commissioner emphasised that any suspension of services will be a last resort measure and will adhere to international human rights and due process safeguards.
UN Secretary-General calls for the development of governance frameworks, multilateral accountability mechanisms, and regulations to address the risks and challenges posed by AI and other digital technologies in the context of peace and security.
The companies have committed to conducting thorough testing of AI technologies before releasing them, while also prioritising transparency and sharing information to reduce risks and invest in cybersecurity.
The Paradigm Initiative (PIN) calls stakeholders to enhance digital rights rights in Africa. PIN is urging collaboration between private sector, media, academia, civil society, and government to protect digital rights.
The European Parliament's Committee for Civil Liberties adopted an opinion report on the EMFA draft, aiming to ensure effective journalist protection.
Civil society organisations urge the EU to prioritise individual well-being and rights, advocating for accountable and transparent AI systems, and calling policymakers to resist tech lobbying and identify high-risk AI applications objectively.
Indonesia launches a project to better integrate public data on the road to digital transformation.
The main goal of the regulation was to prevent any actions aimed at influencing or pressuring the deletion, censorship, or reduction of free speech on social media platforms that are constitutionally protected under the First Amendment.
The preliminary injunction banning direct communication between the US government and social media companies highlights the threats and increased opposition to disinformation researchers as free speech is citied to be infringed upon.
The top 3 digital policy trends in June 2023 were formulating guardrails for governing AI, digital identities gaining traction, and companies gearing up for the Digital Services Act (DSA).